S&N Land Surveying (Hudson, WI) and Nelson Land Surveying (Menomonie, WI) are divisions of AC/a providing comprehensive surveying services in Wisconsin and the Minneapolis/St. Paul MN metropolitan area to handle all your surveying needs including routine boundary surveys to complex subdivision plats, rezoning to annexations, ALTA/ACSM land title surveys to agriculture and environmental wetland surveys, and bluffline to mineface location surveys.
We employ the latest technology both in the field and in the office to to provide extremely accurate survey control and quickly collect field data to assure your project is completed in a timely manner and to the industry's highest standards.
What We Do:
Boundary Survey, Property Survey, Lot Survey
ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey
Certified Survey Maps
Subdivision Planning, Design, Platting, and Staking
Topographic Surveys
Easement Surveys
Construction Staking
House Site Staking/Plan
Condominium/CIC Plats
Assessor's Plats
Tax Parcel Maps
Annexation Maps
Rezoning Maps
FEMA Elevation Certificates/LOMAs
Bluffline Surveys
Mineface Location Surveys
Legal Descriptions
Highway Surveys and Right-of-Way Surveys
Photogrammetry Ground Control

Surveying FAQs
What is a Boundary Survey?
A boundary survey is the determination of where the land you own is located on the ground. It identifies the corners of your property and ensures that your boundaries are clearly known by you and your neighbors.​
When Might I Need a Boundary Survey?
There are many reasons why you might need a boundary survey!
Buildings planned to be built on your property
You are buying or selling property, or planning to divide property
Location of the property corners are unknown or there is disagreement about the location of a property corner or property line
Building inspectors or other city or county regulations require a survey
What Can Perform a Boundary Survey?
Only a professional land surveyor licensed to practice in your state can legally perform a boundary survey.
How Much Do Surveys Cost?
Many factors go into the cost of a survey, including the size of the property, how long it has been since a survey has taken place (if ever), the terrain, and your legal description. Typically, a surveyor can provide you a rough cost estimate over the phone with a site address and a quick conversation about the property and your needs.
What is an ALTA Survey and Do I Need One?
An ALTA Survey is a survey typically prepared at the request of a bank or other lending institution. In most cases, ALTA surveys are not required for residential or personal survey needs. We can guide you to determine if this type of survey is needed for your project.
My Lender Told Me I Need Flood Insurance and a Survey. Can You Help Me?
Yes! We perform a number of services related to flood insurance, including LOMA and Elevation Certificates. In most cases, these surveys will allow the requirement for flood insurance to be removed or reduce the costs of the insurance.